So, you’d like to volunteer for MORR Pride Fest?

There are no words for how grateful we are for your selfless contribution to our first-ever (with many more to come) Pride Fest here in Marshall, Missouri.

It is a big deal to give of yourself, so please know we will do everything within our ability to make sure your time spent helping us isn’t taken for granted and know we strive to make our volunteers feel appreciated. If there’s anything you need, please let us know!

Each volunteer working the day of the event will receive a custom Festival Care Kit as well as the option to add a vendor spot for no charge.

Help set up stations, booths, games, and other pre-fest prep.

The setup crew will also help direct vendors for load-in, unpack, and setup.

We will need folks on the cleanup crew throughout the festival and after.

Volunteer deesculators, monitors, and security.

These folks will help make sure everything is safe, secure, and that everyone is behaving appropriately.

Run games, activities, and booths for pride fest.

These games may include yard games, carnival games, and the like.

Specific duties will be shared with each volunteer, so sign up today!